Rev. War Artifacts (Colonial)
Rev. War Musket Balls (Colonial)
Post Rev. War and Civil War
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Early 18th c Dutch Trade Axe with Original Haft
Revolutionary War to 1812 Ships or Rifleman's Horn
French and Indaillian War to Revolutionary War Officer's Leather Document Box
Colonial era Indian Trade Tin Pipe
Revolutionary War American Bayonet with Shield Mount
French and Indian War c. 1750 British Brass Officer's Compass
Revolutionary War American Continental Army Coat Button
Revolutionary War British 53rd Regiment of Foot Dug Coat Button
Revolutionary War British 21st Regiment of Foot Button Dug in New York City
Revolutionary War era Soldiers Belt Knife
Revolutionary War Ft. Ticonderoga Dug 3 lb Cannon Ball
Continental Currency United Colonies $2 1777
Revolutionary War Bunker Hill Dug Thimble and Knife or Flint Striker Piece
Revolutionary War era 1760-1780 British Dug Felling Ax
Revolutionary War flint striker dug in a British Camp in Upstate NY