Rev. War Artifacts (Colonial)
Rev. War Musket Balls (Colonial)
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1768 Boston Chronicle w/ Dickinson's Letter from a Farmer III and IV
American Military Headgear Insignia by Campbell and O'Donnell
Mid 18th c. Copper French Fur Trade Pot
French and Indian War Battle of Lake George Relic Set
French and Indian War Battle of Carillon (Ticonderoga) Grapeshot
Encyclopedia of Blackpowder Projectiles
Revolutionary War to 1812 Original Paper Cartridge
Join or Die Flag Revolutionary War Banner Benjamin Franklin Snake
American Military Belt Platea by O'Donnell and Campbell
Antique Country Furnishings by Neumann
Collector's Encyclopedia of the American Revolution Neumann Kravic
French and Indian War Battle of Carillon (Ticonderoga)Brown Bess Trigger Guard
Revolutionary War era (Late 18th early 19th c.) Tomahawk
Weapons of the American Revolution by Moore
Revolutionary War era Single Shoe Buckles
Revolutionary War Ft. Haldimand Dug Grapeshot
Revolutionary War Ft. Ticonderoga Dug Shell/Grenade Fragment
Revolutionary War West Point Dug Shell Fragment
Revolutionary War West Point Dug 4lb cannon Ball
French and Indian War Ft William Henry Dug Grapeshot