Rev. War Artifacts (Colonial)
Rev. War Musket Balls (Colonial)
Post Rev. War and Civil War
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Revolutionary War American Shield Mount Bayonet
Revolutionary War Battle of Nautilus Island Grapehot
Revolutionary War American Short Saber
Revolutionary War Royal Navy Button ex Dellery
1782 Royal Artiller Button Dug Ft George
Revolutionary War Loyalist Royal Provinical Coat Button
18th c. French Shaving Bowl
Late 18th c French Plate Celebrate the French Revolution and the Triple Accord
Mid. 17th C. To Early 18th c. English Hudson Bay Co Style Brass Trade Pot Large
Revolutionary War era Rifleman's Horn Belt Cup or Canoe Cup
Revolutionary War Ft Ticonderoga Dug Relics
Revolutionary War to Fur Trade era Tomahawk ex Dellery, Emond
Revolutionary War era Belt Ax found in an Old Barn near Ft Ticonderoga
Revolutionary War to Fur Trade (4th Q 18th c.) Blacksmith Made Belt Knife
Revolutionary War era Large Dug Ax found in the Cherry Valley
Revolutionary War USA Continental Army Vest Button Dug at Battle of Newtown
Revolutionary War era (Late 18th c. to Early 19th c.) Toaster
Late 18th c. (1780 to 1795 ) Cartridge Box with Original Strap
Revolutionary War era American Made Brown Bess Bayonet Copy